I've been looking into IGMP snooping and have read that a L2 switch will forward multicast traffic to all ports connected to an interested receiver AND all mrouter ports. In a L2 'V' topology this results in all multicast traffic routed onto a VLAN b...
Hi, I'm trying to find out for sure if a X2-10GB-LR will come up when looped. If a loop is valid for this optic module is an attenuator required or any additional interface level configuration.....?Thanks in advance,Tim
Kevin I was facing the same issue and found this: http://cciedatacentre.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/faq-port-mirroring-span-on-nexus-2000.html Seems kind of obvious now. I guess the solution is for your traffic analyser to have a connection to each 5K and...
Fabienne, thanks for the reply. Further reading suggests that PIM snooping would prevent the traffic from being forwarded on all mrouter ports. Unfortunately due to a bug that isn't an option. Below is an exmaple of a punted packet from the netdr cap...
Thanks all for your replies - I now understand why attenuators are required! Will do some reading on the 10G ethernet standard to see if a loopback will work.
Thanks for your reply Mike. So an attenuator is only needed when the Tx Power is potentially greater than the Rx power? Regarding your comment on the link "coming up", are you suggesting that the optic may see the link as up but that this may not be...