Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎04-26-2001

User Statistics

  • 17 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 5 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hello,We are having an issues with some IP Phone to IP phones calls across our WAN where the conversation will become delayed. It is best described where the 2 parties will become out of sync from each other each other by about a second or 2. This ...
Hello All,I are using 2 4FXS/DID card and have a problem with it. They seem to generate a Hum on the lines they are connected to. We have ad the Bell and the Cabling cimpany out there and after they disconnect our cards the Hum goes way when we ar...
Hello all,i'm looking for some advice on migrating from and demo Compaq (DL360) to a MCS -7835. We want to take the Compaq server out of commision and make the MCS the publisher which the Compaq currently is.
Hello,We have an isa proxy server what uses username and password authenication. we are trying to get the weather and other sample services to communicate through it. has anyone gotten this to work? i think i'm close just not sure how to make it p...
Hello,i am trying to integrate unity 3.1.3 to a Definity G3i pbx using a serial integration and i'm having issues with the MWI's. it is not turing them on or off. i beleve it is an issue withe MWI codes. any ideas?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-26-2001 09:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-13-2022 07:30 AM
Posts 17
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