I've read several places, that support for LMS 4.0 on Win2008 R2 server should arrive in december 2010.But I can't seem to find it anywhere. Has it arrived or? Where to get it?
I've got a simple setup with a C3750 connected with a WLC5500 on two fiberports.Configuration:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport trunk native vlan 10switchport mode trunkspeed nonegotiatechannel-group 1 mode ...
I know how VLANs work and I have tried the same scenario as you, booting in VLAN1 with the Smart Install DHCP configuration, which works fine. But when the switch boots with new config where VLAN1 is shutdown and VLAN2 is active, also set to use DHC...
What if the switch boots in VLAN1 and receives it's default configuration where the management Vlan is VLAN2, how does that work? Connection is lost and the switch where it is connected, must be reconfigured to match VLAN2? Or?
I've found the patch, thank you.But we're not allowed to download it without special license.. We're currently running LMS 3.2 and we wanted to evaluate LMS 4.0, but that's not possible for now, as I see it.
I've tried with:Gi1/0/1 to WLC, with and without etherchannel.Gi1/0/2 shutdownGi1/0/1 shutdownGi1/0/2 to WLC, with and without etherchannelGi1/0/1 to WLC, with and without etherchannelGi1/0/2 to WLC, with and without etherchannelAl possible combinati...