Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-20-2007

User Statistics

  • 86 Posts
  • 7 Solutions
  • 15 Helpful votes Given
  • 20 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,After rebooting an ASA configured to redirect WCCP services 0 and 70 (HTTP and HTTPS) redirects to the Websense server have stopped. "I am here" and "I see you" packets perform correctly. The counters on the WCCP stats show that the redirects are ...
Hi,Does anyone know of a way of stopping EIGRP from converging back to a link if it is more preferable once it becomes available again?Scenario:Two sites, two links, 100Mb primary and 10Mb back up. EIGRP domain across the two sites, but the 10Mb is B...
Hi,I am experiencing an issue with Proxy ARP in my network, but only for one server.Our DG on our netowrk is an ASA 8.0(3) that has Proxy ARP enabled due to allocating a portion of the same internal range to remote hosts. I have one server on the net...
Hi Guys n Gals,I am having an issue with applying a route-map to an SVI to route certain traffic via a redundant link.The route-map is configured as follows,access-list 101 permit ip host host access-list 101 permit ip host 10.2...
Hi All,Is there a way of achieving the following.I have a site-to-site IPSEC VPN between two sites where the remote end accesses a URL connecting to a server at our end. This server is be re-allocated and we are wanting them to access a new one. With...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-20-2007 12:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 86
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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