Member since ‎01-10-2013

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  • 1173 Posts
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  • 662 Helpful votes Given
  • 385 Helpful votes Received

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Hi Guys,I'm looking at the Wireless options available for what will be a new FAIB site. DNAC running The main consideration for us is that the BW is limited at sites so don't want to backhaul data traffic to a Central WLCWith the above consi...
If I have the following... 9300 acting as BN CN EN with a 3560 which I know can only be an extended node. The 9300 will have the EWC feature with Access Points split across the FEN and EN.I guess main unknown for me is, can a FEN allow for APs to be ...
Hi CSC,I'm looking to provision a pair of 9800-L-C in HA. These will be serving APs in a Non Fabric Deployment across multiple sites. The WLCs will sit in a central DC.We have DNAC up and running and used for Assurance atm. I know I can get the WLCs ...
Hi CSC,Is it possible to have just a layer 2 transit VLAN without allocating addressing etc.. Scenario would be for example having an ISP WAN Link plugged into a port (say VLAN x) and then my FW Outside Port plugged into a port (VLAN X) to allow tran...
Hi CSC, If I run a stack of 9300s with roles, CN, BN and EN, essentially FIAB. I want to hang a couple of 3560CX as Extended Nodes. During plug and play and onboarding does DNAC configure these extended nodes with LISP for example or do they act like...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-10-2013 08:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-10-2023 10:06 AM
Posts 1,173
Total Helpful Votes Received 385
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English Community Mobile User
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