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Member since ‎06-02-2005

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I have a simple etherchannel bridging two 3560Gs, the ether channel is a 2 x 1GB copper port, giving me a total of 2GB of connectivity.I have this command in the config so it load balances the traffic somewhat correctly: port-channel load-balance src...
I have a very strange problem.  I gave one of my interfaces a IPv6 address the other day and now all of my servers have IPv6 addresses in that subnet. I'm reading about "ipv6 nd suppress-ra" and I think that's what I need to disable but that's not a ...
I'm trying to setup a HE.net IPv4 to IPv6 tunnel and it requires the "tunnel mode ipv6ip" in the tunnel configuration.It looks like that feature is not available.  I've been reading that I might need a new license.  Is this a license issue or a model...
I'm getting the 'AnyConnect is not enabled on the VPN server' error when trying to connect.   I assume it's because I never loaded the AnyConnect image on the ASA. The Cisco docs state to download it on their website after logging in, but I can't see...
I'm trying to be able to reach the inside IP of the firewall while logged into the VPN.   I can reach everything behind the inside network except the firewall (.1), ping, nor SSH works.As a workaround, I currently ssh into another box on the inside n...
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Member Since ‎06-02-2005 09:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 11
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