Derek McCormick
Level 1
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Member since ‎06-21-2004

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Hi,   I recently upgraded Jabber from version 11.6 to 12.1. I am using CUCM and IMP 11.5. I am having an issue when i first login to Jabber  I am presented with a certificate error. It shows the IP address instead of the FQDN. In the previous Jabber ...
Hi, My Expressway certificates are about to expire.Just wondering is there a way of adding new certs without causing an outage. Is it possible to use the original CSR requests to generate new CA signed certs or do i need to generate new CSR requests...
Hi  I have a WAN MPLS network running 10MB access to each CE site terminating on 2911 routers. We tested throughput on each site and could get roughly 9.8MB out of the WAN.We have subsequently installed a Wireless network using Cisco Wireless LAN co...
Hi  I have a WAN MPLS network running 10MB access to each CE site terminating on 2911 routers. We tested throughput on each site and could get roughly 9.8MB out of the WAN.We have subsequently installed a Wireless network using Cisco Wireless LAN co...
Hi  I am running Jabber smart phone app 10.5. We are also using CUCM 10.5 and CUPS 10.5. We use 9 for  outside dialing. I don't want to add a 9 for all my iphone contacts in order to dial out. Is there a way to avoid this in jabber as it will be quit...
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Member Since ‎06-21-2004 12:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-17-2021 03:52 PM
Posts 216
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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