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Member since ‎03-25-2008

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Hi guys, We've been experiencing an intermittent one-way voice issue within our network where an external caller is unable to hear the internal called party. The issue has been traced back to the CUBE that connects to our PSTN ITSP sending an invite ...
Hi all,I'm having issues with the Cisco Spark application running on our Windows 7 SoE build. The Spark application Fails to log in with the following error: "Oop! Cannot connect at this time".Running the Health Checker application, the services impa...
Hi all, I'm having issues with inbound calls from a SIP ISP to a PABX connected endpoint failing due to DTMF RTP-NTE when DTMF dynamic payload type 97 is advertised in the INVITE. As such, i'm trying to configure asymmetric payload for DTMF interwor...
Hi guys,I've set up Cisco Jabber for Windows to use Extend and Connect to control a remote PBX endpoint. I've configured the required CTI-RD device, remote destinations, associated the users to the line and added the devices to end-user controlled de...
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Member Since ‎03-25-2008 09:43 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-04-2021 08:45 PM
Posts 8