It is possible and has worked for many customers. The other day I just had a customer that had 12 IP's in the round robin a record list. They have never had any issues with it. The one item they kept mentioning was the fact of tracking which boxes ...
A large amount of sites in the world are unable to resolve domains that do not have www in the front. The easiest example is NASA. Go to and it does not work. does work. This is due to the admins configuration. However like ...
Just as an FYI. x60 appliances are not End of Life. They announcment for when End of Life would be, came on May 11, 2012. The boxes will continue to be suppored until 2017. The Software maintenance releases will continue until 2015.Christian Rahl...
I would recommend asking this question in the Email security section as it deals with an email security appliance.Christian RahlCustomer Support EngineerCisco Web Content Security ApplianceCisco Technical Assistance Center RTP