Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-23-2011

User Statistics

  • 30 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 15 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

We have migrated away from using mirrored SD cards due to the issues presented in vSphere 7. We are now booting from SAN and using a local disk policy of "No Local Storage" with FlexFlash State disabled. The hosts still have SD cards present, some wi...
Hello all, I'm trying to upgrade a pair of 9148 MDS switches from 6.2(21) to 6.2(23). I am getting an image verification error when running "sh install all impact": MDS-B# sh install all impact kickstart bootflash:m9100-s3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.23.bin ...
I am upgrading an HX240 cluster from 2.6(1a) to 2.6(1d), and the upgrade has completed successfully on 2 of the 4 nodes. One node fails after the bootstrap, VIB upgrade and reboot steps with the above error. I have re-attempted the upgrade multiple t...
I have 2 environments that were recently upgraded to 3.1(2e). After upgrading, I've found that logging into the CLI with local accounts is failing. It is also failing if I have the console auth set to local, and pass along my auth domain to log in vi...
Hello, Will there be a published upgrade procedure to do in-place NDUs to the new generation of FIs and IOMs? There doesn't appear to be anything available in the documentation for the 6300s as of yet.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-23-2011 08:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-14-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 30
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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