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Member since ‎02-04-2009

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Hi all, This one is way beyond my current knowledge - I am setting up a digital audio network that utilizes Dante as the audio transport.  To do this, I am configuring a 3750X switch with 2 vlans - Data and Dante.  Data will provide audio control dat...
Hello all, I recently got a 3560E-48PD-S switch (used), and on opening it discovered that the fan powers on (goes through it's various speeds then settles down), the power supply LEDs (AC OK and PS OK) light up green, but the LEDs on the front stay d...
Can't seem to get a good answer to this one so I'll ask here - can anyone help me with a throughput issue?  We are running a ASA5510 at our main site, and when we connect with the Cisco VPN client (v5), copying files from a remote site to the main si...
Hi all,Need some help understanding here- I have a 3550 switch right now, and need to upgrade to a gigabit switch, so I'm looking at a 3560G-48.  For some reason I purchased an EMI version of my 3550, but run the ipbase image...can someone enlighten ...
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Member Since ‎02-04-2009 08:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 51