I try to add a device to the inventory with the REST API call and I use SNMP v3.
I use the swagger with the following JSON record :
{ "cliTransport": "ssh", "snmpAuthPassphrassshe": "Password", "snmpAuthProtocol": "sha", "snmpRetry": 3, ...
Hello,I added some operations to the IPM. I use the ipm export function to export my operations to a file. Now I want to import this operations in a fresh IPM installation, but I find no tool to do this.Any idea how to do this?Regards-Uwe Martin-
Hello,after I change the ip address of a device, the ipm source will not be updated. DNS for the device is working well. How can I tell the ipm to update the address of the source?UMartin
No this doesen't work. I have created about 10 operations. When I want to import my collectors, I need this operation, otherwise the import of the collectors fail. I didn't find any possiblity to import my operations. Any idea?-Uwe Martin-
Hi,thank for your fast answer. I try it with "Edit->IP Address", but it doesn't work. The IP address will not changed in the sourece configuration window. When you try it again, I get an error message that an another task will do this change. kind re...