VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
Member since ‎05-13-2003

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  • 2018 Posts
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Since "Cisco Certification & Communities Support [ciscotraining@external.cisco.com]" does not provide technical support and I don't have a service contract tied to my profile in order to create a TAC case, I'm posting here about this forum issue that...
Well, really trying to import CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-EXT-MIB in order to process traps from ASA with "snmp-server enable traps entity power-supply-failure" configured. Figures that CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB is a prerequisite. After painstakingly loading u...
Is it basically a Phihong POE20U?
Not sure what to make of this, but I'm running into a 6509 that takes >90s to respond to queries from the Nagios check_ifstatus pluginwhen a particular SNMP RO string is used. It responds "normally" (within a few secs) if an alternate RO string is su...
Are there SNMP OID equivalents to the Status, Vlan and Type columns of "show interface status"?What about "show etherchannel summary" and "show lacp internal"?cat6513#show interface statusPort      Name               Status       Vlan       Duplex  S...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-13-2003 09:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-23-2018 06:28 PM
Posts 2,018
Total Helpful Votes Received 861
Cisco Designated VIPs
2011 Network Management
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