Hi,I'm Unable to access vpn resources once i vpn successfully i can't ping the servers.I have attached my config for review.I need bit of assistance please.
Hi,I would like to know how to setup 1841 cisco router to VPN.I did setup the router but I'm unable to access any network resources when connected to the VPN.I'm only able to get to the router via loopback interface.advise please
I'm currently working on my ccnp and i setup Cisco1841 router at home.I setup the router as a vpn server.I can vpn successfully and able to ping the loopback interface however unable to ping my server or access any network resources.I telnet to the l...
Hi,Thanks for the info.I actually created the account on the router and saved the config, however authentication failes when connecting remotely.When i connect once i enter the username and password..it keeps prompting me for the password.any idea
Thanks for the reply,So there is no way of forwarding the http traffic towards the proxy server from the router?currently i have specified a group policy and i wanna avoid doing that.
Hi,Thanks for the replyI connect successfully via cisco vpn client and i'm getting an ip address in the range of 192.168.1.X which is assigned to the vpn users.Refer to the config attached previously.However i can't ping the which is th...