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Member since ‎06-04-2007

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  • 40 Posts
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Hi,I tried to summarize the behavior of the switch depending on the configuration of the command "switchport voice vlan".The attached file indicates:- the way the frame is encapsulated: Tagged or Untagged- if tagged: the VLAN used in the Tag- for Voi...
Hi,I am looking for an IOS command that would show me the content of specific packets (such as in Ethereal, but of course, less sophisticated). Is there something more the DEBUG IP PACKET DETAIL (associated to an ACL) ?Thank.
Hi,To be able to send multicast packets, do we need to enable broadcast, for example, in a frame relay hub and spoke configuration ?If I type 'frame-relay map ip ....' without the 'broadcast' at the end, I won't be able to send multicast ?Thanks,Navi...
Hi,We know that TFTP uses UDP.But may a TFTP application send some TCP segments ?So when we want to block traffic to access TFTP server, we should go :... deny udp ... eq 69... deny tcp ... eq 69 ?Thanks,Navid
Hi,The cisco doc says that when split horizon is enabled (which is the default), then RIP will NOT send any ad about summary addresses.What is the reason why this behavior has been established ? I really don't see what we want to avoid by not sending...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-04-2007 11:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-11-2018 12:38 AM
Posts 40
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