Ian Walker
Level 1
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Member since ‎03-04-2013

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  • 15 Posts
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From my own research I've put together this config for an ASA 5505 (9.0) to prioritse SIP and police IP traffic for the BT SIP  service over BTnet All comments welcome. As I understand it, you prioritise outgoing SIP/RTP traffic on the "outside" inte...
Has anyone used an ESA on their internal network to filter mail when the mail is collected from a remote/hosted mail server ? - Is this feasible ?
host = Windows Server 2003 in DMZ ( )I can ping it from my INSIDE network ( INSIDE = )But I can't connect via UNC pathaccess-list dmz_access_in extended permit ip
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Member Since ‎03-04-2013 08:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-24-2019 10:31 AM
Posts 15