Guilherme Gianotto Bratfisch
Member since ‎10-08-2012

User Statistics

  • 41 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 3 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

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Hello Everyone, I'm experiencing a problem that from time to time I have a disconnection from the wifi and it seems that everytime that it happens its perform the whole 802.1x authentication.From debugging a client I`ve found these two timeouts:Jun 0...
Hello, Some EPGs that are configured stactically for trunking in a correspondent vlan are not showing as allowed on the interface, even if the layer2 communication works. I'm new to the aci world but is this a desirable state ? Here the config on the...
Hello Everyone, We currently have a sd-access fabric deployed and I faced a problem with some access-point, that after reloading we lost ip reachability to it. In the boarder router I had to clear the lisp map-cache for the ip of the access-point and...
Hello Everyone, We have a FMC 2500, and I noticed that its backuping twice the configuration files.The first time is on the folder we specified and the other is under "sf-storage". I wonder if its because the "Remote Storage Device" is configured and...
Hello folks, Can anybody tell me why when I use the manager of ncclient I cant check the method of it using the dot notation.Here a print screen to illustrate, for example, the methods like "get_config", ""edit_config" exists but it doesn't shows. Is...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-08-2012 07:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-10-2021 12:08 AM
Posts 41
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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Community Spotlight Award
Portuguese Community Member's Choice, September 2019
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