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Member since ‎07-30-2011

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  • 131 Posts
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  • 90 Helpful votes Received
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I'm installing a RV345 tonight to replace my RV180. I have a few getting started questions concerning it: 1. Should I delete the guest user group for security purposes? 2. How do I update the USB dongle driver to the latest version? 3. What is the...
I'm installing a RV345 tonight to replace my RV180. I'm attaching a ZIP file of screenshots of all my QoS settings on my RV180. I haven't figured out how to re-create these settings on the RV345 since the QoS interface is different. Can someone assis...
I'm installing an RV345 router on my network tonight to replace my RV180 router. I created two additional VLAN's: VLAN2 and VLAN3. Both are setup for DHCP and issuing IP addresses to the devices I have plugged into them, and I have successfully assig...
A Cisco RV180 Small Business Router powers my small business' network. I use an iPhone 5s on T-Mobile running iOS 8, so I have access to Wi-Fi Calling (my Wireless Access Point is an ASUS AC-1900 set only as a Wireless Access Point, not a router; the...
When will Aironets support 802.11ac? We need to deploy wireless throughout a large building, and we're having issues with N. We're wanting to try AC to get a better range. I tested an AirPort Extreme which gave good results, but we're trying to use a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-30-2011 11:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-21-2018 04:42 AM
Posts 131
Total Helpful Votes Received 90
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