Ok, so I have a set up of eight WAP 371 in single point setup, and four different wireless networks configured in each radio (4 in 2.4GHZ and 4 in 5GHZ). Problem is that after a few hours of work devices stop connecting to the AP's. If the radio is d...
Hello Experts!
I'm having a lot of trouble to finish a router config.
The problem is with static nat/pat.
The scenario has three different ISP's. Two of them are always load balancing the general internet access (NAT overload), and the third is dedic...
Ok, here's my scenario:
I have a router with various local VLAN's and a nat statement to a host:port allowing it to be reachable from the outside (for example port 80).
w.x.y.z is a host in vlan 10
a.b.c.d is a host in vlan 11
A.B.C.D is ...
Hello everybody! I have this scenario:
My main router is a 1921 ISR
Multiple local networks assigned to multiple VLAN's, and connected to three Internet Providers. This providers are just standard services (three different cable providers), so I have...
Hello people!
I have the following problem:
I have a 1921 router, connected to two ISP's, no routing exchanged with this ISP's just simple internet services.
I've configured nat and cef, so traffic is being load-shared with this two ISP's.
Over o...
Georg, I've created a new post, where I describe the problem in more detail:https://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/wan-routing-and-switching/problem-with-nat-nvi-in-multihomed-router/td-p/3403107
route-map AlwaysISP3 permit 15 is not there anymore (it was there for testing... sorry for that)
always-ISP3-pbr is always-isp3-pbr
I've changed those names when i curated the config for posting
Yes, three different subnets.
Inter-vlan w.x.y.z <-->a.b.c.d traffic should t get natted , why do think it should?
It seems that it get's translated in the back path, because somehow it matches the ip nat source static statement! That's why I want ...
Sorry, I've just edited the post, it was a misspelling!
route-map AlwaysISP3 permit 5match ip address static-nat-isp3-pbrset ip next-hop verify-availability ISP3GW 10 track 3! route-map AlwaysISP3 permit 10match ip address always-isp3-pbrset ip nex...
Here are the relevant and curated parts:
object-group network AlwaysThroughISP3 description This IP will always exit through TELECOM to the internet unless link is down host!object-group network LocalNetworks description All local ne...