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Member since ‎08-07-2003

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Hey All, This one maybe a tough one, I have a friend trying to break protocols across two lines. He wants his IP phone traffic to use a T-1 and his other traffic to use his 10mb wireless. Can you route via tcp and udp ports to one remote subnet?T...
I was working on a client and noticed a couple of connections to a bit torrent site late at night. When I approached the user he stated that he had his pc off. When issuing clear xlate it also clears the connections. My question is how long does t...
Hello, Can someone explain why and how this command is used in a real world environment? I do not use it with my remote and site to site configurations but, I ran into a client that does. I have seen the PIX command description of "Enable IPSec pa...
Hello All, I need some opinions if I can. A client has had their PIX 515E lock up time and time again. They had Cisco involved and then had a local service group replaced the PIX. It ran fine for about two weeks and then locked up this morning. ...
Hello All, I am wondering how I would grant access to a site to site VPN for a user that is remoting (VPN) into one side of the site to site tunnel. I want my remote users to be able to access resources at both ends of the site to site tunnel with...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-07-2003 04:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 14