Zsolt Kendi
Level 1
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Member since ‎10-24-2014

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Dear Everybody! How it possible to query the firewall blocked A:P->A:P connections on RV130?  We use RV130 for sensor network as firewall.This mean continuous and high (small packet) traffic on many TCP connection. During sometimes the firewall block...
Dear Everybody!   Some Internet service provider are provide service with dynamic address behind a NAT router. This mean address of my VPN router RV1xx are double dynamic. Other words router's WAN address is not equalt with the address from internet ...
I was happy beacuse new feature of v4.2.3.03 firmware, the Email LOG feature. After testing this feature I recongnized, sending Email work in a way where RV first try to ping (ICMP ECHO) Mail Server if it is not respond, then  break sending email. In...
There is some information about RV042(G) PPPoe and DMZ which not documented and even not published in community forum: How DMZ works if WAN1 configured for PPPoe (e.g. ADSL) uplink port with dynamic address, gateway and dns assigment (and WAN 2 confi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-24-2014 10:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-21-2020 11:03 AM
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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