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Member since ‎11-19-2014

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I'm trying to open a port in a Cisco 2801, the port 3001 to give internet access for a cisco switch which IP is thanks in advance cisco 2801 config match access-group 110class-map type inspect match-all vpn-traffic match access-group 111!...
the Goal i'm trying to achieve is having a Cisco outer 2801 (which is the internet ip: open a port 3001 tcp to give internet to another cisco device with a IP of FastEthernet0/0ip address 255.255.255....
the Goal i'm trying to achieve is having a Cisco outer 2801 (which is the internet ip: open a port 3001 tcp to give  internet to another cisco device with a IP of interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 255.255....
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Member Since ‎11-19-2014 12:43 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:02 AM
Posts 4