Cory Blackman
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Member since ‎10-19-2010

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Where are the Cisco PDFs for the VSM v7.0.0 to 7.0.1 Upgrades?  We have MSP & UCS platforms, and RedHat & SUSE OSs.  I atm would like the steps for the MSP 2RU SUSE upgrades, but hey all should be available to us, so please let us know where they are...
I'm looking for the steps to setting custom resolutions so that my Virtual Matrix Clients can display full-screen (1920x1080), can someone detail these steps for me and everyone else, i know it can be done.
I've got the news of VSM 7x awhile back, as well as the Cisco downloads; but in reading the release notes i feel this is not the normal upgrade, any experienced opinions about migration from VSM 6x to 7x, is it even using the same server hardware?
I'm on WinXP x32 SP3 and ACVPN always used to work about 5 months ago, but now all i get is this error during installation.  I've uninstalled every Cisco piece of software and even IE8, but it is no use, it won't finish installation!  Is this due to ...
Where can i download the 2900 camera series firmware(s)?  Can someone plz provide a link, tia!
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Member Since ‎10-19-2010 09:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-01-2018 09:04 AM
Posts 94
Total Helpful Votes Received 8
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