Andrew Bailey
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Member since ‎09-24-2010

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Ok, here is my scenario, I have traffic coming from a firewall destined for the PC. The firewall, router and PC are all on the same /27 subnet, the switch is just L2. If my firewall has a static host route for the PC pointing to the Router, the traff...
I have been attempting upgrade on a pair of Nexus 5010s in a vPC configuration. I want to go from n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.1c to n5000-uk9.5.2.1.N1.4 as that is the minimum recommended version. I have 4 FEXs that are dual homed to the N5ks and 4 old CatOS ...
I am working on setting up a “Dual DMVPN Cloud Topology—Spoke-to-Spoke Deployment Model”. Using the references below. Page 26
I am migrating to MST in my network. I am running a 6513 VSS core with multiple Nexus 5k distribution switches. The Nexus switches have a vPC back to the VSS. So essentially my whole network is 1 logical topology and from what I am understrand  there...
I have an area of my network that idealy would like to be connected to the core soley by two distribution nexus 5548s.  I have the peer keep alive configured on the default managment vrf. My question is how should I connect the managment interfaces o...
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Member Since ‎09-24-2010 09:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-11-2023 08:05 AM
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