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Member since ‎11-02-2001

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Is it possible to nat traffic coming from a particular ip block to the ip address of the inside interface it egresses?   Ex.  Say my source address block was > ( this is the public ip address that nats to   In th...
Hi, I have a cisco 5585, software version 9.5(2)2 running in context mode.  Could someone please tell me the maximum number of objects I can have in a single context firewall, the maximum number of objects I can have in an object group in a single ...
Hi,   I do not see any drops in the following output except for the ones on the network port.  Could someone please tell me what these drops represent and if it is an issue? The switch stack is 3650s and running code - 3.06.06E sh platform qos queu...
Hi, I think I  know what needs to be done for this but am not 100 percent sure.  The end goal is to make sure af41 packets are getting remarked to af31 going outbound to our mpls provider. currently the following class and policy maps are configured...
Hi, In the following policy-maps :  For the first one, when it says "priority level 1 10000" does this mean the output of the traffic that is QOS'd is capped at 10 Megs? In the second one does it mean it that voice is capped at 100 M? policy-map pm...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-02-2001 08:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-19-2019 07:44 AM
Posts 161
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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