Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-09-2019

User Statistics

  • 82 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 146 Helpful votes Given
  • 35 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello Experts,In Cisco IOS, we use (show line vty #) to see the session time-out for a specific user,what is the same command in Cisco NX-OS,Thanks 
Hello Experts,Are all interfaces supported to be a source for the SNMP using FDM? if we can use the tunnel interface, how can we know the API related to this interface to put the details inside the SNMP-hostFTD 1120, version
Does ISR 4431 support the GH group 14 in the VPN S2S configurationwe created a policy with group 14 but not worked, after changing it to group 5 working normally
how to add local GUI user in FTD using FDM with admin privilege
can we ping the VTI in the S2S VPN, it is between Cisco IOS router and FTD managed locally by FDMand the VPN tunnel is up and the VTI is up also, but not pingable
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-09-2019 04:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2024 11:43 AM
Posts 82
Total Helpful Votes Received 35