Jeff Horton
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Member since ‎06-26-2013

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Currently running Openssh version 9.1 on latest release of NX OS nxos64-cs.10.4.3.F.bin. Does anyone know if Cisco is going to upgrade to Openssh version 9.6 or better anytime soon? Our current ACAS scanner is reporting the out-of-date version.
From an ACAS scan, I am getting the "ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Data Disclosure" (Tenable 10114) from one of my Catalyst 9300 switches. I am currently on IOS XE version 17.13.1. I have five other catalyst 9300s that are not showing this issue. Any...
My user traffic is being blocked on my switch (Catalyst 9300) due to the IP ARP INSPECTION requirement from DISA STIG requirements. I don't understand why. Can someone enlighten me as to what I am doing wrong?
Can't seem to retrieve certificate from our internal RootCA. The device is a Catalyst 9300.Current configuration:crypto pki trustpoint ICERootCAenrollment mode raenrollment url //infr-svr-cert02:80/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dllrevocation-check crlauto-enro...
We have two Cisco Nexus 931080YC-EX (I believe they are EX but can't remember at this moment). They are running the NXOS for 32 bit. I have just upgraded them to nxos.10.1.2.bin.Is there a way to convert these switches to 64 bit or am I stuck for eve...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-26-2013 10:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 10:46 PM
Posts 147
Total Helpful Votes Received 27