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Member since ‎03-18-2010

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Hi,is there a way to be both? If an user is for example Supervisor, i am not allowed to add him to the User List. But i have the requirement that some user can- Reskill- Add Agentswith their one Domain Account. How would you solve this? The only way ...
Hello,System: UCCE 8.0(3)i have the problem, that in Agent_Real_Time and Agent_State_Trace sometimes there is "the last not ready reason code" carried around through the following states like talking or ready.If my understanding is correct, reason co...
Hello everybody,I have an issue keeping CallVariables.Scenario1:CTIOS Agent gets a Call with CallVariable1 = "test" -> Initiates a SingleStep or Consult Transfer to another Agent (directly to the Extension) -> Agent#2 can see CallVariable1 = "test".S...
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Member Since ‎03-18-2010 04:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2019 01:08 AM
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