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Member since ‎01-04-2013

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Does anyone have any expericne using Chromecast with the Small Business WAP's? We have a cluster of 321 WAP's that seem to drop the Chromecast conenction every 2 minutes or so then re-establish then drop in 2 minutes, etc.. Thanks in advance.
I have a remote site that's just installed a Cataylst 3560 v2 which I need to configure. I'm guessing the default username and password are both cisco; however, web GUI and Configuration Assistant won't let me in - both are asking for realm level_15_...
I have some multiple remote nodes but one has recently stopped connecting. I've checked the configuration on both ends and compared to the other nodes which are working fine. The configs are identical yet this one still won't establish an IPSEC conne...
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Member Since ‎01-04-2013 11:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 5