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Member since ‎04-27-2009

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Hi,I have two 5520 WLC in HA-SSO, so we need to monitor and generate and alarm if the state of the HA-SSO change from primary to secundary.The release of the WLC are idea, how to do that?Thank´s in advance
Hi, I have a ring topology with 8 siwtches , a switch core 3850 a 3850 and 6 3650 .All switches are connected by a two- port etherchanel Tengiga .The problem is that when you close the ring, a loop is created , and the entire network is coming down ...
Hi,I have a report from cisco prime infrastructure, that I don´t know how to interpret,  because the fields in the report I don´t know what´s mean them,  the difference between them, what are optimal values, the worse values, etc.Can someone help me ...
HiCan someone help me?I have three escenarios:************************The first escenario  I have thisAIR-AP12THD-A-K9WS-C3750-24PS-S***********************The second escenario I have thisWS-C3750V2-24PS-SAIR-WLC2125-K9AIR-LAP1242G-A-K9**************...
Hello,We have a deployment with many Cisco AP around 100,  the AP are closer each other,This AP only works with 2.4 radio, because the radio of 5 don´t have anntenas to work so the only radio to cover the deplyment is the 2.4 Ghz.The network was desi...
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Member Since ‎04-27-2009 10:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-02-2022 07:42 AM
Posts 43