Edward Clear
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Member since ‎05-09-2012

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Background: mix of 9500 and 9300 switches with NX-OS 9.3(11).  And the EPLD update for 9.3.11 has new versions for most of my switches.What I'm trying to figure out is how to schedule an EPLD update at a delayed (o'dark early) time.  With the NX-OS b...
I just did my first firmware upgrade on a Nexus 9300.  Reading the release notes, I expected I would upgrade the primary and it would reboot to golden, which would then get upgraded.  But it rebooted to the primary.  When I then attempted to upgrade ...
So I am setting up DHCP Relay  on some Nexus 9500s (running non-ACI NXOS 9.3(3)) to work with a Windows 2019 DHCP Server.   I've been following the Cisco "Configuring Microsoft Windows Server 2012 to provide DHCP services in an eVPN Scenario" documen...
I have a deployed WAAS system running 4.4.7 and the old WAE hardware is all on the EOL clock or not supporting 5.4 at all.   The budge fairies had money at the end of the year so I've got new WAVE boxes and vCM 5.4 DVDs to deploy.My question is what ...
I've got an authgroup set up to authenticate Client Certs in inbound SSL connections.  Initially the authgroup had one CA certificate from each of our RSA and MSFT CAs and all was well.  Well for some reason the MSFT admin reissued his CA cert and st...
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Member Since ‎05-09-2012 10:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-21-2023 12:06 AM
Posts 19
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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