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Member since ‎09-21-2012

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Hello dear support community,last week I asked which version of Cisco Call Manager supports BFCP (https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/3966334). Unfortunately I asked the wrong question.As it turns out I just didn't need to know which version of C...
Greetings community,I hope I'm at the right place for this kinda question. I just need to know which is the earliest version of Cisco callmanager that supports BFCP?Thanks for the help in advance.Best regardsTobias
Hello,a costumer from our company has the following problem with a Cisco C20: after a restart of the system, the touchpad tries to update, restarts and than tries again.I told the costumer to reset the touchpad to default settings, but it changed not...
Hi,my boss has a EX90 on his desk wich makes some trouble. You turn the system on and the phone starts booting completley normal but the screen seems to be stuck in some kind of testing behavior. The screen is constantly switching from white -> grey ...
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Member Since ‎09-21-2012 02:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-03-2018 05:40 AM
Posts 13