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Member since ‎08-28-2008

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hi there,I just wondered if there is an Cisco equivalent to the Force 10 VLT protocol to allow switches to simultaneously uplink to different cores. I can see there is a virtual port channel protocal for Nexus switches but don't think it is available...
Hi there,We currently have a number of 2960S (12.2.55) access switches that connect to Dell N3000 series distribution switches.We have found a problem with spanning tree shutting down ports and the switches going offline. This happens intermittantly ...
hi there,I was hoping with some advice, we are looking to upgrade the switching and wireless infrastructure in one of our factories. The current setup is:-Core: 2x Cisco 4506 chassisDistribution: 8x Cisco 3560 PoE switches linked via OM2At present WA...
hi All, I've 2 Q's I'd like some help withWe have bought some Cisco WS-C2960X-48FPD-L switches – do they do Layer 3 routing out of the box?Assuming the answer to the above is no, can we do a software update to the above or have we bought the wrong ki...
Hi there, Can anyone tell me if the AIR-BR1310G-A-K9-R  has an internal antenna?I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere! Cheers,Huw
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Member Since ‎08-28-2008 02:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
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