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Member since ‎08-26-2005

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Hi, Trying to educate myself and have failed miserably !, I have an ADSL wifi router and the 892. The 892 is plugged into a port on my ADSL router via Gi9, I have a laptop plugged into Gi1. and it has got a dhcp address.  I have a dhcp pool set on th...
Hi, We have a pair of 4500X-16's running in VSS mode, we have an issue that when the primary fails we lose all external routing. They are running a comparatively old IOS version - 3.6.3E (ROM 15.0(1r) SG12)and I know that has some bugs in in it so ma...
Hi, We have a pair of 4500X-16's running in VSS mode, unfortunately they are still on 3.6.3E and need upgrading to 3.8.7. I have read I cannot go directly to 3.8 from 3.6 and the documentation is a little confusing so can I upgrade in the following w...
so we have a stack of 8 x 2960X switches with te1/0/1 and 4/0/1 configured as trunked uplinks to our 4500X core (both using 10GBase-SR sfp's) , works fine no issues. We also have 3 additional 2960X switches hung off of gi1/0/50, 2/0/50 and 3/0/50 als...
Im sitting here going quietly mad (actually I probably am already mad). We have lost management access to one of our switches (normal data and voice vlans are okay though).   When I look at the vlan I see Vlan100 is up, line protocol is down Hardware...
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Member Since ‎08-26-2005 07:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-01-2019 02:02 AM
Posts 183