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Member since ‎08-30-2012

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Hi, We need to make a vpn with customer but the segment go our customer have it it's not same that out network address. The simple network connection is :                                                VPN-IPSECPC ------------------- ASA ------------...
Hola,Estoy calculando el ancho de banda que se requiere para un proyecto de comunicaciones de un cliente y me gustaría confirmar si mis planteamientos son correctos.La idea es que una empresa requiere poder enviar concurrentemente un archivo un 50 MB...
Hi,I have a client that like to setup a solution for connect around that 200 remote client  for upload a file around 40Mb, using a VPN connection.The problem is that this upload is run in a short time and all at same time.The 200 remote site connect ...
Hi,I have a little problem, a custommer give me a Cisco 2821 for setup a VPN cliente to a small lan.I dont have problem to login router but when i try to setup a ipsec i cant.We need a license or a module to setup IpSe VPN ? When I run this command t...
Hi I setup a vpn lan to lan between a cisco 5510 and 881.I setup both box using the wizzard assiten and I see the vpn up but  i can make a ping between lans.I try using difernte configuration and i see alway the same.I can acces to ASA but in it it'r...
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Member Since ‎08-30-2012 01:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
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