Darin Walker
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Member since ‎04-30-2013

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  • 48 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 37 Helpful votes Given
  • 41 Helpful votes Received
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User ID: Darin Walker SSOID: darinwalkerError:ProjectId : 791032312select sso_id, c_ccp_status from users where login = 'Darin Walker'userDetails output = { "status" : "success", "message" : "", "http_code" : 200, "data" : { "type" : "u...
This past week my team and I have run into deployment issues with a SX80 and MX300 G2 both running CE8.2.1 code.  My endpoints register to CUCM 10.5.2 and I have default device loads configured for both products (7.3.3 for the sx80 aand 7.3.5 for the...
I recently uploaded the cop.sgn files for C Series endpoints into my CUCM.  I can see it has populated the device defaults within CUCM.  I haven't reset the TFTP services on CUCM but instead just rebooted one of the endpoints to see if it would downl...
I just had to RMA a Cisco EX60 because the release key obtained would never accept on the system.  I received a new EX60 this morning.  After connecting the touch panel to the device and powering it on, it attempt to downgrade or upgrade the touch pa...
Can anyone confirm if speaker phone can be locked down on TC6.X EX series endpoints registered to CUCM 9.1(2)? I'm hoping it can be treated like other 79XX series VoIP phones. Thanks.Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-30-2013 11:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-19-2019 12:35 AM
Posts 48
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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