michael ezenogha
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-07-2013

User Statistics

  • 15 Posts
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  • 15 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi, I am wondering if a virtual IP can be used to setup a site to site vpn? there is a cisco asa  FWA on the inside of the network using private IP address on its outside interface and needs to setup a site-to-site vpn between it and another device o...
Currently, the firewall is setup with 3 interfaces (internet, inside and dmz). The DMZ and Inside using subinterfaces on a port channel to respective vrfs for dmz and inside network. Now this will be replace with FTD next year and we desire to use FT...
Hello All,I work in a network that is poorly managed. Really POORLY MANAGED (9 sites, no documentation, disatater recovery no backup). The new mangers are doing their best to clean up the network.What is the best monitoring tool in the market other t...
Hello All,A senior engineer in my team prefers to implement QoS marking on all layers core,distribution and access layers. I disagree with him because were are using stacked switches and uplink is 1GB to distribution switches and the access switchpor...
Hello All,I have two issues to resolveI added 5 new network ranges to an existing B2B tunnel. Three (3) of the new network ranges are able to establish sessions over the tunnel but two (2) are unable. I did a tracert from computer and the trace termi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-07-2013 02:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-05-2019 08:22 AM
Posts 15
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