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Member since ‎05-19-2009

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Can someone explain the Client Duration, why the association duration is varying? Does this mean it is disconnecting and reassociating at the speed of light?And why would it disconnect?Is the device power saving feature responsible for this?Enable Se...
trying to add Spectrum in Prime 3.0 got me the following error:Error:Though the target host is reachable, the Spectrum Expert doesn't appear to be running on the host. Please confirm that 1) It is running, 2) It is configured to send interference mea...
what is the effect of floors having over 100 AP's in prime map? can a map be split in Prime but still be on the same floor level?
does the AP mapping in Prime have anything to do with the DCA, TPC and RTLS? does incorrect building placement in the campus map, have any effect on DCA, TPC and RTLS. does this affect location calculation? say, in actual, Building A and B are next t...
This was solved with the following commands: The commands are as followsFor Version, use this command: config ap lifetime-check {mic|ssc} enableFor Versions and later, use this command: config ap cert-expiry-ignore {mic|ssc} enab...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-19-2009 08:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-01-2020 06:28 PM
Posts 98
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