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Member since ‎07-25-2013

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We have some SFP1G-LX-31 SFP's that show up as LX when placed in one of our 2960X switches but when we place them in a 1G line card on our 6807-XL they show up as LH and we cannot establish link with a firewall we have that is LX. Why is the SFP show...
We have a Cisco 6807-XL that has four 1gb fiber connections to a Fortigate firewall that is not coming up.  Both the physical interfaces and the aggregate interface are showing as up on the Fortigate but the Cisco side is showing the etherchannel and...
Spoiler  We have an odd situation on our network.  We have several hosts that are on the far end of radio links that we cannot reach unless we clear the arp on our core switch and then initiate a continuous ping to.  If the ping stops we cannot reach...
We have a pair of Nexus 9ks and a pair of Nexus 3Ks that we are configuring two VPCs between.  There is one link between each 9K to each 3K that makes up the two different VPCs  The port-channel interfaces and physical interfaces on the 9Ks have an m...
How would I go about enabling jumbo frames globally on a Nexus 3K switch that is in production so that no issues occur?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-25-2013 11:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2024 08:19 PM
Posts 184
Total Helpful Votes Received 23
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