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Member since ‎08-15-2013

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                   Can you somebody please explain OTV concept in Nexus 7K
I am recieving this frequent warning alerts "Te12/9 Receive Power Sensor on SW-NL-EDC_eupdswcore001 ".switch is 6513swcore001#sh inventoryNAME: "Transceiver Te12/9", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te12/9"Can you please what all issues related to a...
I am recieving this frequent warning alerts "Te12/9 Receive Power Sensor on SW-NL-EDC_eupdswcore001 ".switch is 6513swcore001#sh inventoryNAME: "Transceiver Te12/9", DESCR: "X2 Transceiver 10Gbase-SR Te12/9"Can you please what all issues related to a...
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Member Since ‎08-15-2013 03:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
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