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Member since ‎12-02-2004

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Hello all.Is it possible use CAD 9.0 without CIPC?? How can I do that?Regards
Hello everyone.I need transfer an agent call to a specific application after the agent disconnect the call.Today I have a simple queue, and after the agent finish the call I have to transfer to a quality research.I tried do use the Workflow on action...
Hello All.I'm facing a one way voice problem between a Cisco 2801 and Elastix.I just configuring a dial-peer pointing the traffic from PSTN.Caller from PSTN side can hears the Called from VOIP side.The topology isPSTN <--> voice gateway   <--> Elasti...
Hello All.I have the follow issue:Almost  95% of my CUCM extensions are using extension mobility.When I try to found a extension logged usind the extension number, don´t show any result. I search the extension using the device name and the extension ...
Hello everyone.I have the following problem:I have a CCM 4.1(3)sr7 and IPCC 3.5(2).The calls are recorded using a workflow and everything was working fine.Some day ago the voice quality is very poor and robotic.Can anyone help?Thank youGleidson CCVPN...
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Member Since ‎12-02-2004 06:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-08-2018 12:02 AM
Posts 9