Ronit Bhattacharjee
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-26-2009

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  • 101 Posts
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  • 107 Helpful votes Received
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We currently have our Cisco equipment synced to our NTP server using MD5 authentication, which works well. We have a directive from our cybersecurity team to upgrade to one of the SHA authentication mechanisms and facing a problem with that.Now, both...
We are in the process of designing a medium sized MPLS network using NCS540 routers. A requirement was not to have a full-mesh of BGP neighbourships or use RR or to change the next-hop at every hop.So we decided to use BGP confed. Maybe our design as...
We have some routers running Hub and Spoke DMVPN. Currently, we use the below ACL inbound on the Internet facing interface to secure the interface and allow only DMVPN. We have a mandate to migrate from IKEv1 to IKEv2. Will the ACL still be valid? If...
Hi. I deployed a simple DMVPN setup with 1 Hub and 2 Spokes. I am running OSPF. Looks like, unlike EIGRP, OSPF doesn't use split-horizon to prevent Spoke routes from being advertised to other spokes.  What is the most straight-forward way to prevent ...
We use Rsyslog and LogAnalyzer as our Syslog collector. All our routers/switches/firewalls send Syslogs to Rsyslog. We would like timestamps in the log payload and this works fine for routers and switches, but Rsyslog cannot recognise the timestamp o...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2009 08:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 101
Total Helpful Votes Received 107
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