Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎10-29-2003

User Statistics

  • 324 Posts
  • 28 Solutions
  • 39 Helpful votes Given
  • 232 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,does anybody know if C1117 is shipped with a DIN Rail brackets by default or if I have to order a specific code ?  Thx in advanced,Enrico
Hi Experts, doeas anybody know if it is possible to limit the line rate of an ADSL line ? What I need is to establish an upper limit to the "speed" negotiated between router (C887VA-K9) and DSLAM.   Any idea ? Thanks in advance, enrico
Hi, here a question about practical difference between shape average and shape peak. In my understanding the difference between average and peak is that "peak" put Bc+Be token in the tocken bucket every Tc while "average" put just Bc token. By defaul...
Hi experts, in my understanding if I configure an MTU on an interface, incoming/outgoing packets that are bigger then MTU are discarded. This limit applies to both originated by router, terminating on router and routed traffic.  What I didn't underst...
Hi experts, I have to configure an ASR router for VRF Lite; WAN and LAN interfaces will be configured with logical interface associated with specific VLAN; each subinterface will be associated to a VRF instance and routing based on MP-BGP (NO MPLS). ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-29-2003 12:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-19-2024 08:46 AM
Posts 324
Total Helpful Votes Received 232