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Member since ‎01-10-2014

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Hi, I have dual Cisco ASA5516 in failover mode terminating AnyConnect clients now. We are using DUO for the 2 factor and it's working well. However Cisco EOL AC-PLS-5YR-25-S that we had before and can't renew anymore. How do I get a replacement produ...
Hi, I am posting for a friend. They had purchased AC-PLS-5YR-25-S about 5 years ago. It was up for renewal and they learned that the product is EOL. However the EOL page doesn't provide information on what's the replacement product? They are using An...
Does Cisco ASA and Anyconnect support 2 factor authentication with text messaging? I saw documents about DUO but the customer is looking for text message option. 1st factor would be radius and 2nd factor a text message to pre-defined cell phone numbe...
Hi, What's best way to monitor the SLA monitor status on the ASA5516? I have dual ISP with failover configured that's based on the SLA monitor. The default through primary ISP is tracked via SLA monitor and when it fails retracts the route so the tra...
Hi, I have a UCS 220M3 server where running ucs-c220-huu-3.0.1c.iso update-all corrupted my bios. Now it's unable to boot and asking me to recover using recovery.cap file on an USB flash stick root folder. I can't seem to find that file anywhere on t...
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Member Since ‎01-10-2014 07:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-02-2022 12:52 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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