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Member since ‎01-26-2014

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HI all,     I have installed a cisco router in load sharing knowing that I have two ADSL links to connect to internet one of them with a fixed IP public address that i want to use to access the internal FTP server using NAT/PAT from the outside, I al...
Hi all,   I have two ISP links one with a fix Ip address and I want to use them in a cisco 1900 router in load sharing and allow to my partner to acces to our server with FTP and use the IP fix.  the problem is that i already used NAt but it seems th...
Himy scenario is as followsSERVER1 on lan (||CISCO-887 (||INTERNET||VPN Cisco client on windows 7 machineMy connection have public ip address assegned by ISP, after ppp login.I've just configured (with Cisco Configuration Pr...
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Member Since ‎01-26-2014 08:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:28 AM
Posts 5