Can this type of interface use 50/125mm Fibre to connect devices over short distances? CCO says that it needs 62.5/125 but its also says it supports distances of up to 2k.We wouldn't need any more the 200-300 metres.Regards,
I can't seem to find this information on CCO. How long does system.sysUpTime.sysUpTimeInstance go before the time goes back to 0:00:00.00??? Or anouther way of looking at it would be how many Time ticks does the 4500 switch support?The reason I ask i...
I have multiple port channels l2 and l3 running over multiple blades . The blades have different queueing strategies out of the box .. When you enable mls qos the port channels throw a fit . Dropping all ip comms. Is there any way of getting around t...
Firstly how are you connecting the remote site WAN/LES/VPN ?It may be more pertinant to use a router as all the routing software necessary will be installed, plus you can add modules (higher end router) etc. Plus I believe putting the EMI (layer 3) s...