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Member since ‎05-31-2001

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I have a customer directly connecting an ASA to our 3550 switch on an L3 interface. When he attempted to install a differint ASA with the exact same config and OS version, he could translate addresses via PAT, but his published Web Sites would not c...
Can anybody explain how to rate limit on a physical port on a Cisco 3560 for egress? Cisco must have hired Microsoft idiots to create their latest products, because the 3550 was much better and more straight forward to configure, and it was easier t...
On the old 3500xl we could use the multi-VLAN command to set up a port to allow more than one VLAN on a port that is not trunked. Can this be done on a 2960?
We are looking at router platforms for future growth. We will be multihomed between two service providers through which we intend to advertise our own IP routes. Since our handoffs from the two upstream providers will be via Ethernet, I have consid...
I had a CSS 11051 configured to load balance SSL connections across four servers in support of a home grown application. In the rule I had the command "advanced-balance SSL" applied to the rule. It worked great.The switch died off in a power surge r...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-31-2001 07:54 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-01-2017 10:15 AM
Posts 115
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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