That's right. When user sets a dscp value, that's written to the outer IP header as well; unless a different code point value is mentioned in rewrite policy. Use the rewrite policy to write to outer IP header
For Local break-out MPLS, there is not feature as such, but this can be achieved by design
You can have one of the interfaces ge0/2 (or sub-interface) on the vEdge/XE-SDWAN device connected to the underlay and place it in Service VPN n. This servi...
Device on boarding on MPLS with Static IP is supported on XE SD-WAN devices. Upon bootup, XE SD-WAN router will search bootflash: or usbflash: for filename ciscosdwan.cfg (case sensitive). Config file includes basic interface configuration, Root CA, ...
You need separate thread for this new question. I'll still go ahead and reply for now, but if you have more questions, please start a new thread
Have you created tunnel interface before adding gig1 under sdwan? (refer