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Member since ‎07-19-2001

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Hi I need to use CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 with Window2000 profesional, but when i begin the installation it abort the same, because It not find service pack5. There are some solution for this mistake
Hi I have a 3600 router with c3640-is-mz.121-2.T.bin, and catalyst 3524xl with CatOS enterprise editon and when reload the router the secondary ip no up to the running config. and it gave the follow error:Secondary addresses not allowed with negotia...
Hi I have 2 router 3640 and it have 3 pvc 256K for voice256K for Data512K for VideoI use Frame Relay, but went i don´t have videoconference i want to use the pvc of 256K Data + 512K video only both for data, The bandwith of each PVC is setting in t...
Hi i have a router with 3640 with c3640-is-mz.121-2.T.bin IOS, it work fine for video H.323, voIP and data. But in the LAN i have vlan with ISL and switch 3524XL and principal 6506Catalyst, but my IOS of the router it don´t support virtual ethernet i...
Hi i have a router with 3640 with c3640-is-mz.121-2.T.bin IOS, it work fine for video H.323, voIP and data. But in the LAN i have vlan with ISL and switch 3524XL and principal 6506Catalyst, but my IOS of the router it don´t support virtual ethernet ...
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Member Since ‎07-19-2001 08:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-21-2018 04:42 AM
Posts 31
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