I have this sensor doing tcp resets, the question I have is if I add a network to the "never block addresses" will the sensor still send tcp resets even though the network is in the never block? if so how do I tell the sensor to not block certain ip ...
I am having an issue where the AnalysisEngine will not stay running, as i am looking into this i see available disk space (100% usage), could this be part of the problem? how do i free up space on the ips?Here is the show verUsing 1150967808 out of 3...
i have a cat 6509 and 3550-12G doing vlan hsrp and it does work well, but i seem to have run into the 16 per group limit. and the switch will not allow me to create another group, i see this error when i try to add a vlan using the standy (group#) ip...
i removed the old files, i even removed the old signatures packages, and it is still showing the same disk usage and i have rebooted it, i went to downgrade the sigs but since the AnalysisEngine is not running it will not let me. I am stuck